Tesla may hit Indian roads next year, a device to combat Delhi’s toxic smog!

Tesla cars may come to India in a year’s time. Co-founder and CEO Elon Musk tweeted that the electric car maker plans to have “partial presence in India, Africa, and South America by the end of next year, with broader expansion in 2020.” Earlier, Musk tweeted that the country’s restrictive policy environment was proving to be a hurdle for local production. The government’s flip-flop on an electric vehicle policy hasn’t helped, with announcements ranging from 100% EV sales by 2030 to replacing 30% of conventional cars with battery-powered ones to statements such as an “EV policy was not required.”

A Delhi startup has devised a solution to the city’s unbreathable air. Kurin Systems has won a patent for the “world’s largest as well as the strongest air purifier,” which, its co-founder Pavneet Singh Puri claims, can provide clean air to 75,000 people living in a 3 km radius. The 40-feet tall solar-powered device can purify 32 million cubic meters of air per day, using a mechanism that’s markedly different from the one used by China’s Smog Tower in Xian. Delhi, the world’s most polluted metropolis, has been reeling from severely low air quality for the last few weeks.

International students will now pay a lot less to study at IIT Delhi. Livemint reports that the country’s premier engineering institute has slashed the yearly tuition fee for undergraduate foreign students by 31% and that for doctorate students by more than 96% to ₹200,000 and ₹10,000, respectively. The move is aimed at taking the number of foreign students from 1% currently to 25% over time and enhancing the institute’s global standing. Earlier, IIT Delhi decided to offer a full scholarship to foreign students, with a target of 1,500 foreign Ph.D. students over the next five years.


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